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•   Donald Singer  9/1
•   Robert Dillender  8/18
•   Jim Ferrari  7/7
•   James Lawing  7/4
•   Thomas Boyd  6/5
•   Rosemary Bohnert (Mauer)  4/6
•   Liz Shockley (Harlan)  2/25
•   Susan Knapp (Meredith)  1/12
•   Donald Kimmel  8/16
•   Judy Bullock (Doyel)  8/7
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

4 live in Arizona
3 live in Arkansas
9 live in California
3 live in Colorado
1 lives in Delaware
10 live in Florida
2 live in Georgia
1 lives in Idaho
8 live in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
2 live in Iowa
2 live in Kansas
1 lives in Kentucky
1 lives in Louisiana
3 live in Michigan
1 lives in Minnesota
128 live in Missouri
1 lives in Nebraska
2 live in Nevada
1 lives in North Carolina
4 live in Ohio
3 live in Oklahoma
1 lives in Oregon
1 lives in Rhode Island
1 lives in Tennessee
9 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
1 lives in Virginia
52 location unknown
78 are deceased


•   Rose Mary Edwards (Trigg)  10/17
•   Carol Mattmann (Davey)  10/17
•   Paul Grosse  10/20
•   Judy Null (Gunn)  10/21
•   Gary Massey  10/27
•   Doug Bensinger  10/28
•   John Bass  10/30
•   JoAnn Kreher (Boock)  11/3
•   Vicki Wright (Moore (Was Kneib))  11/4


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 46.2%

A:   121   Joined
B:   141   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

 Welcome to the Pattonville - Class of 1964 Website


New Additions - Elementary Class pix of some of your friends - 

submitted from Mount Pleasant, Pattonville and St. Ann Elementary schools - 1952-1958 - left tab of main menu page.


Newly Discovered Photo's (Wayne's been at it again!)

Wayne Smith has went and done it again! This time he has uncovered a treasure trove of photo's taken between 1961 - 63, pix you won't find in the yearbook....... ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you name everyone?


Newly Discovered Film!

Wayne Smith directed and submitted a film from a 1962 Latin class project, taught by Mrs. Claire Johnson. Don't miss "Aeneas and the Cruel Cyclops" starring Kurt Wahlbrink as pious hero Aeneas, youthful Darrell Pepper as faithful friend Achates, and the late Dave Viehmann as the savage Cyclops - produced by Gary Wallace. Included is the film's cinema release, and another version release with director's comments. Enjoy & thank Wayne for his hard work putting this together!


50 Years!!!!!!!!!!!

The Class of 1964 celebrated our 50th Reunion on Saturday, September 6, 2014. The day before was almost 95 degrees and sweltering, Saturday temperature barely made it into the low 70's (welcome to St. Louis weather). Turnout for this event was better than expected, and, everyone had a good time visiting and reconnecting. The surest sign we are getting older: large amounts of food, water, soda, and beer remained at the end of the day!

Principal James. C. McMahon recorded a greeting to our class - to view it click "Mr. McMahon's Greeting" tab on the top of this page. Mr. McMahon lives in Wisconsin with his son, Tom. His eye sight is failing, and he is 90 years old. On September 6, 1944, Mr. McMahon was wounded while serving our country in the Army during World War II, seventy years ago.

Effforts to consolidate the many 100's of digital photo's taken at the reunion will take some time - especially to "tag" everyone in the photo's, so bear with us a while.

Click on the "50th Reunion Photos" tab at the top of this page to see photos contributed by classmates for all to enjoy!

If you would like to contribute your photo's to the class collection for all classmates to enjoy, please contact Don Kimmel (314-703-8400) or email

Thanks to everyone that made it such a great day by your attendance and enthusiasm. Understandably, some classmates were unable to attend - for a variety of reasons. Maybe next time (5 years out).



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Please click on tab marked "46th Reunion Photos" on the left of this page to view a slide show of photos submitted by classmates and Tim Stroop taken at the reunion, September 4, 2010.

Other options to view and download photos to your computer will also be available on that tab.



Q: Do you know why we had such a really good time in high school?

A: Attention Deficit Disorder was not invented/defined yet!!!


A short video clip from the 25th Reunion held in 1989 may be viewed by clicking below:


If you have lost or misplaced your 1964 yearbook, we have added a new tab on the left side of this main page: click on "The Class of 1964" then click on the highlighted link to go to the Flickr website where the senior photo's are stored:


More yearbook photo's will be added as new tabs in the near future so come back & visit often.



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Sorry to hear about Sue,what a gal.Still have fond memories of her and her girl pals-what a gang.She will be missed by all that knew her.